Our 13-21 year olds play 7-innings (2.5 hour games) of Major League rules on the largest (60/90) field.
Age 13: play in either the C or C1 Division
Age 14: play in the C, C1, or B Division
Ages 15-16: play in the B, B1, or A Division
Ages 17-21+: play in the Senior Connie Mack Division
Talent is spread evenly across teams which are formed by late-August, have 10-13 players, and will typically play twice per week on SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS at the Deep Run (Connie Mack Field), Hilltown Civic Park, and surrounding Bucks and Montgomery County fields. There will be practice one weeknight on the Connie Mack Field. The season will run from early-September to late-October.
The League provides parent volunteers as coaches. Players will need to purchase a glove, "BBCor Baseball" approved bat, helmet, baseball pants, socks, cleats (metal), and a protective cup (boys). "USA Baseball" approved bats may be used in the C Division. Only "Wood" bats are permitted in the Senior Division. The League provides all players and 3 coaches with a team hat and shirt.